Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This little piggy went to market, this little piggy stayed home.......

Well, all my piggies must have gone to market and have come back looking like fat little sausages. Oh, and they took my fingers with them! Yes, it seems I am on the track to developing PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension). This explains my progressively fattening face and the gradual rise in my blood pressure. Yesterday, I felt pretty blah and it has carried over into today. I really can't complain as I suspect this is how most women feel when they are carrying around almost 10 pounds of baby. I am just grateful to have felt so great up until now. We are 32 and 4/7 weeks today and I really feel these babies will make an appearance within the next week. I must admit, I know the best place for them is to stay put as long as possible, but I am getting excited to meet them! I got to go home a bit on Sunday and thanks to my Grams, sister, and hubby, I feel like things are in good shape at home. Next growth scan ultrasound will be on Thursday or Friday, and I can't wait to see how big these boys are!!!

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