Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lane and Cole versus Cole and Lane

The correct order to say these babies' names has become quite a debate in the Riggins' household!! Stuart prefers to say Lane and Cole, whereas I tend to say Cole and Lane. In his opinion, Cole and Lane sounds like we are naming a single child Colon Lane (after Colon Powell or the not so appealing body organ). Honestly, I think the best order is whichever one allows me to most quickly say all three boys' names in rapid succession when getting onto them for misbehaving, as I imagine this will happen numerous times throughout the next 18 years!!! Ah, my future raising boys! A friend of mine who was an avid softball player throughout high school and college commented on facebook how God was amused by giving her 3 girly girls. Not that I am a girly girl, but I definitely feel the situation in reverse with God giving the least avid sports fan 3 boys. I need to add "learn to like sports" to my to do list!!!

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