Friday, January 14, 2011

31 Weeks!!!

Well, today we are 31 weeks!!! That means I have been here 9 weeks and 2 days and we have gotten 7 weeks further than we were expected to make it! Praise God!!! I had an ultrasound on Thursday and the boys weighed 4#4oz and 4#9oz. They are big!!! Some may suspect I have "a touch of gestational diabetes", but I have begged to not be tested for it because that would mean giving up all of my life sustaining sweets! Both boys also had good fluid, some of the best levels we have seen, in fact. So the plan remains the same.... No plan! Only God and these boys know when they will come. While I would like to blame it on the the babies' weight gain alone, I don't think they are gaining the 1-3 pounds daily to compensate for what the scale says. Today I must admit I saw a brand new lead number on that digital scale read out. I adjusted to the shock of it with a mug of hot chocolate and yummy mint chocolate candy. I need to post another belly picture, as I am admittedly huge! I had a dream one night that I had a hermit crab that outgrew his shell and one of the nurses sons had to give me a new one. How would you interpret that?? My sacroiliac joint and pelvic joints are beginning to feel the stress of increased weight gain and increased activity levels. I really sleep well here, and other than the night I had horrible GI issues, I had my only bad night this week when my SI joint refused to cooperate. Nothing a little Flexeril didn't fix though! As of today I am allowed to increase my activity a little more with more frequent walks and longer time up. If I am lucky I may get to go out to dinner with Stuey next week!! It may be our last date for a long time.
Oh, I wanted to include my thoughts on the magazine Cosmo, a magazine I have probably not read in at least 10 years. In looking through the articles, I was a bit disappointed to see that none of them applied to my life. Instead of an article on how to get him in bed, I would have rather had one on how to get a 2 year old out of my bed! The article about twins was not talking about the kind of twins I am having, well I guess you could say it referred more to the set that rests on top of my belly. And I must say the article on lingerie to fit your body type did NOT have anything that would cover this belly. I am moving on to Parenting magazine next, it may be more useful!
My little Jace is doing good. He is very sweet to the babies when he pats and kisses my belly and says "hi babies". Though I do think my new shape scares him a little. He likes to tug my shirt down to cover all of my belly for me, so kind! He had a sleep over with Stuart and I the other night and slept a good part of the night across my face. I wouldn't trade it for anything though.
Take care friends!!! We love you all!

PS- If anyone knows who my sneaky little poet friend is, please let me know! The past 2 weeks I have gotten very cute poems posted to my door, but I can't figure out who wrote them. I need help to solve this mystery!!

Growth Progression:
11/13/10- A 1#8oz, B 1#9oz
11/29/10- A 1#11oz, B 1#13oz
12/20/10- A 2#11oz, B 2#13oz
12/31/10- A 3#5oz, B 3#7oz
1/13/11- A 4#4oz, B 4#9oz

1 comment:

  1. 31 weeks is such wonderful news!!! I've been praying for you...keep up the good work. I'm loving your blog.
