Wow, does time fly! The boys are 4 weeks and 2 days old!! Today is actually their official due date, and as big as they are now I am sure glad they are already here. I will post pics first, since I know that is what most people want to see. Just to warn you, the following post will be a bit wordy- it has been an eventful past few weeks!
Lane |
Cole |
Cole |
Lane and Cole |
Lane |
Cole |
Lane |
Lane-- I think! |
Proud Daddy! |
The babies |
Cole and Lane- ready for bed. In momma's bed! |
Lane and Cole |
Where to start! Let's see, I guess the first place to start would be with how big these boys are- We went to weigh clinic last Monday at 3 weeks and 5 days. Cole was 9 pounds 12 oz and Lane was 8 pounds 10 oz, thus the reason I am glad they are here versus being pregnant with that much baby! Lane has recovered very well after his surgery. He never acted like it bothered him and his little incision scars are already fading. We did make an extra visit to the ER at about 4am one morning because it seemed that the hernias were returning but it turned out to be just epididymitis (inflammation in the tubes). So other than a sleepless night and an ER copay, it was no big deal. So I believe all my boys now have their parts and pieces where they are supposed to be and hopefully we won't have to do this again. Of the three of them, Cole is the only one who didn't need help to get things in the right place.
These have become common occurrences around our house:
- Jace telling the boys "baby, no crying" and giving them a little swat on the hand. Of course, this is followed by a reminder to Jace that we don't hit our brothers.
- Geysers of pee. Both boys are big fans of letting loose as soon as they get naked. This has meant almost peeing on another baby at weigh clinic, streams 2 feet straight up in the air (Jace thinks this is hilarious), and several soaked friends and family members. I must say that Cole has been known to let loose from the other end too. We have all learned to take extra precautions and not look away for a second, for fear of one mess or another.
- The sleep feed. Not only can the babies sleep through a feeding, but I think my mom, Stuart and I have all been caught sleeping during a bottle feeding. Twice the babies equals twice the sleepiness!
- The double feed. My mom and I have both gotten very successful at feeding both babies at one time. I am able to nurse both on my gigantic nursing pillow and still have my hands free to be on the computer, write lists or play with Jace. My mom is wicked with a bottle in each hand, and can still entertain Jace.
- Musical beds. We have had both babies with me, both with my mom, Stuart with one and me with another, mom with one and one with me, Jace and all the babies in my bed, Stuart in bed with Jace and me with the babies, just about every combination imaginable, and the night never ends like it started. The only guarantee is that at some point at least one baby is asleep in a bed and not in their cribs. I will admit that I was NOT going to be that mom, the one that let the kids in the bed..... but the need for sleep and sanity can change one's mind quickly.
- Gassy boys. These are the tooting-est boys I know. They get that from their dad!
- The swing-shot. That's right a swing-shot, not a sling-shot. This is what I think of when Jace stands in between the boys' swings and gives them a big push. Again, poor Jace is frequently getting reminded that we do not try to launch our brothers out of their swings. Thus far, this has not actually happened.
- Doll eye syndrome. These little guys are already a tad, ok very, spoiled! Remember the dolls that have eyes that close when you lay them down, we have the opposite problem. If you lay down one of these boys after they are asleep their eyes pop open. They have turned us all in to suckers! They can be crying and as soon as they get picked up, it is as if someone hit the mute button. While it is so sweet to hold two sleeping babies, this bad habit must be stopped!
- The lost sock. I used to tease Stuart for walking around with one sock off and one on. Well, apparently, this is a family trait. Almost always can you find one boy with one sock off, if not both of them missing a sock.
Overall, Jace has still been very sweet to his brothers. He always gets them each a diaper out and will pile toys all around them. He likes to sit by them and talk to them or read to them. He has pretty much abandoned his toys, other than Elmo. Elmo frequently gets strapped into a carseat and his diaper changed. Apparently it is much more fun to lay on the play mat with both boys than to play with a closet full of toys. He has gotten pretty good at shoving a paci into a crying mouth. He can be a bit bossy these days- calling daddy "Stuart", telling us to go night-night when he is in trouble, and getting onto the dogs. He has also been so independent. He does love to go play at Sassy and Tutu's house and they have been so good to keep him once a week. My sweet boy is getting so big!
Lane is quite the cuddler. He has several awake and alert periods throughout the day, but likes to be held whether awake or asleep. He is beginning to focus on things when awake and makes sweet smiles while asleep.
Cole's main priority in life is to eat, with sleep as a close runner up. He loves to nap on his tummy. He is also a snuggler, but he likes to scootch himself down until he gets into a comfortable place. He likes to swing more than his brother does. Both have really good head control, but Cole is a bit stronger than Lane.
It is funny how their personalities in utero have carried on into the big world. Lane was squished in utero with Cole on top of him. He was never as active as Cole. This is true now, as Lane is more content to lay still. He also loves to be swaddled tightly with snug boundaries. Cole, who would turn weekly somersaults in utero, is much more active and squirmy when awake. He does not like to have his arms swaddled down, but will wake himself up if they are not.
I am loving the muslin swaddle blankets, bath covers and paci animals we were given as gifts. These are baby must haves!
Stuart has been able to squeeze in baby time between a busy school and work schedule, as well as cleaning our garage!
I drove last week for the first time in 4 months!! It was not "like riding a bike". You might think it would be easy to jump back into it, but it took me a few days to feel comfortable driving. It was hard to concentrate on so many things moving in different directions, after living in a very low stimulating environment. I did not enjoy paying the new gas prices!!
Ok, this is starting to sound like a long Christmas letter- Sorry!
So many people followed our story and so many times I heard "it must be so hard to be in the hospital". Honestly, being in the hospital was easy, this is when the real work begins. However, I wouldn't trade it for anything, and have enjoyed every minute of this crazy life. We have been so grateful for the continued prayers, dinners, gifts, diapers, and well wishes. Thank you all!
Thank you to my wonderful husband for my beautiful necklace- I love you!
Lane |
Cole |
Cole and Lane |
Lane and Cole |
Cole |
Lane |
Big boy Jace
You are well worth it! Love you!