Yesterday morning I started off the day with an early ultrasound. Well, early for me at about 9am, since my wonderful antepartum nurses usually let me sleep until about 9:30!! Apparently, both boys were also used to sleeping in because neither of them was in any hurry to get up and going. After watching them for about 35 minutes (with quite the audience of antepartum nurses cheering them on), several attempts to buzz them awake, and playing Nickelback's Rockstar for them our doctors decided it was best to go ahead and deliver them that day. The only c-section openings were right then or 4pm, so very quickly the ball was rolling. Stuart, also slow to get going that day, was woken up by a call from me to get ready and get up here, ASAP. It took 3 of our fabulous nurses to take me and all 4 of my charts up to labor and delivery. They were so great to stay with me until Stuart arrived. Quickly, I was prepped for surgery and Stuart changed into blue surgery scrubs for the blur to follow. Our wonderful OB and specialist were both able to be there, along with a great anesthesiologist, a nurse who helped with Jace's delivery and some excellent NICU nurses/neonatologist. We couldn't have asked for a better team!!

Baby A, Lane Thomas, was born at 10:34 am weighing 6# 15oz and 19 inches long!!
Baby B, Cole Walker, came at 10:35. He weighed a whooping 8# 2oz and was 20 inches long!!
They had to weigh him twice because no one could believe he was so gigantic! It was an amazing feeling as soon as they got him out, like my belly was a deflating balloon! I didn't know how much I missed breathing. But I immediately understood why my belly had always been so lopsided, with Cole pretty much hanging off my side.
The boys were 35 5/7 weeks old that day and it marked exactly 14 weeks that I had been on antepartum. Both went to NICU right away, as they needed some oxygen to perk them up. Lane got off his oxygen after a few hours and is now eating very well from a bottle. Cole is a little more lazy. He likes the oxygen and is still on CPAP, but he gets mad at it when the prongs have to be put back in his nose. Hopefully, he will be off oxygen tomorrow. It is hard to get a good look at him with all his equipment, but he also looks like his brothers, just with chubbier cheeks!
Both have been spoiled rotten already by all our great NICU nurse friends and by grandparents that want to snuggle on them. Having them in NICU has given me a little extra time to heal and rest, and I know they are in excellent hands. We had to move to the postpartum floor and I sure do miss my antepartum friends!!! They took such wonderful care of us for the past 3 months. Jace doesn't really get it yet, but he has been putting his Elmo and Horsey in the swings so maybe he will be excited for some real babies to swing.
Thank you again to everyone for all the thoughts and prayers! We love you all.
If you don't mind, please also say a little prayer for sweet baby J who is in NICU right now.